BIOScoot :P
BIOScoot :P
Marny----> Imarny
Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and almost fanatical devotion to the Pope,and nice red uniforms.
Audentes Fortuna Juvat PvP Officer.
R.I.P Futilez & Nastrandir
Some men aren't looking for anything logical.
They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Skrymirne/Skrymirna/Skrymirni(Guards) Hildrida/Toireasa/Nudde(Conqs) Radgrid/Eirne/Ciannait/Boudicia(DTs)
Crudelita/Cruelida(Barbs) Sindarilla/Cliodhna/Noinin/Fionuir(Sins) Pinnesenida(Ranger)
Nuadhu/Maihread(Poms) Toselita(Tos) Qtie/Macushla(BS)
Livtrasir(Necro) Helsvitje(Demo) Niuth/Niuthiune(Hoxes)
Knights of Avalon killed Zodiac tonight!
GZ guildies, great job!
Big gz guys!
The Zodiac really is a milestone in T4. Keep at it and you will get the Emperor down soon![]()
Barb: Thomaran
Hox1: Mweru
Dt: Haikuju
Hox2: Shugorann
Tos: Nephertites
Sin: Leogetz
Necro: Viggomortis
and others...
"The sky is green. It is because I say it is. And because I said it on the internet."