CongratulationsGood luck with Kyllikki!
CongratulationsGood luck with Kyllikki!
Oct 22st, Dawnsong kill Ethram-Fal
Over two years after we started Tier 5, never gave up, never surrendered, Wrath of Amra, Bloodfrenzy & Friends proudly present the dead Kylikki!
(Killed Sunday, Jan 21st, 22:35 UTC)
On the picture you can see some people (I think six) with whom I started doing Tier 1 raids almost five years years ago when I started playing AoC, Damiel being the raid leader back in the days. We always sticked together and made our own way until this victory and raided together the whole time, no one of us left the guild in order to progress faster. Wrath of Amra (well, actually named "Heroes vs. Villains" back then) was founded in January 2013, I joined being blind invited in March 2013.
Thank you all who made it possible!!
Last edited by ConanLogan; 23rd January 2018 at 15:53.
Congratulation, Wrath of Amra and Crandar!
Nice to see progression raids still enthusiastic and successful!
Last edited by Kantakwa; 24th January 2018 at 12:42.
Grats on sticking with it.
Now get into T6 and kill some more bosses!