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Thread: Set Server Progression Raiding

  1. #1

    Default Set Server Progression Raiding

    Tier 4 (Jade Citadel) (sorted by date) (* denotes inactive)

    -General Sheng
    Furious 9/21/11 *
    The Epic Guard 4/5/12 *
    Rogue Angels 5/2/12
    Immortal Souls 5/23/12
    Requiem Nex 7/14/12
    Mist Wolves 7/19/12
    Prophets 8/11/12
    Social Rejects (Acolytes+RN) 10/7/12
    Defiance 6/26/13

    -Obsidian Basilisk
    Furious 10/12/11 *
    The Epic Guard 4/8/12 *
    Rogue Angels 5/9/12
    Immortal Souls 5/23/12
    Requiem Nex 7/15/12
    Mist Wolves 7/19/12
    Prophets 8/12/12
    Social Rejects (Acolytes+RN) 10/7/12
    Defiance 6/26/13

    -Garden Imp
    The Epic Guard 4/23/12 *
    Rogue Angels 5/14/12
    Immortal Souls 5/28/12
    Requiem Nex 7/15/12
    Mist Wolves 7/22/12
    Prophets 8/13/12
    Social Rejects (Acolytes+RN) 10/8/12
    Defiance 6/27/13

    Requiem Nex 8/19/12
    Immortal Souls 8/29/12
    Rogue Angels 8/30/12
    The Epic Guard 9/23/12 *
    Mist Wolves 11/7/12
    Prophets 11/25/12
    Social Rejects (Acolytes) 1/8/13
    Defiance 7/18/13

    -Yah Chieng
    Immortal Souls 10/17/12
    The Epic Guard 10/19/12 *
    Requiem Nex 10/21/12
    Rogue Angels 10/24/12
    Mist Wolves 1/31/13
    Social Rejects (Acolytes) 2/6/13
    Prophets 2/10/13
    Defiance 7/31/13

    -Memory Cloud
    Immortal Souls 10/19/12
    The Epic Guard 10/20/12 *
    Requiem Nex 10/22/12
    Rogue Angels 10/24/12
    Mist Wolves 1/31/13
    Social Rejects (Acolytes) 2/7/13
    Prophets 2/11/13
    Defiance 7/31/13

    -The Entity
    Immortal Souls 10/31/12
    The Epic Guard 11/5/12 *
    Rogue Angels 11/12/12
    Requiem Nex 12/23/12
    Mist Wolves 2/7/13
    Social Rejects (Acolytes) 2/27/13
    Prophets 3/10/13
    Defiance 9/2/13
    Last edited by Texan615; 4th September 2013 at 13:10.

  2. #2


    Tier 3.5 (Temple of Erlik) (sorted by date)

    -Archfiend of Gore
    Immortal Souls (United by Legend) 9/21/11
    Social Rejects (Acolytes) 9/28/11
    Prophets 11/23/11
    The Epic Guard 1/15/13 *
    Rogue Angels 1/21/13
    Requiem Nex (w/MW+SR) 8/10/13
    Mist Wolves (w/RN) 8/11/13

    -Archlector Zaal
    Social Rejects (Acolytes) 3/15/12
    Immortal Souls 4/3/12
    The Epic Guard 1/17/13 *
    Rogue Angels 1/28/13

    -Bat of Nergal
    Immortal Souls 7/5/12
    Rogue Angels 3/26/14
    Last edited by Texan615; 27th March 2014 at 14:38.

  3. #3

  4. #4

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Guild Leader of socialRejects
    Crom: Georgetta (necro) | Georgett (guard) | Getta (dt)
    Fury: Georgena

    Visit Us at:

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by sugarspice View Post

    Now hopefully Funcom can release Palace of Cetriss by the end of the year.....

  8. #8


    Time for another guild to start T4!! 7 US guilds clear it. Whos next?
    Rogue Angels Guild Leader and Progression Raid Leader

    Tmanku 80 Guard | Tmanil 80 ToS | Tmanosu 80 DT | Tmanbank 80 BS | Tmanfu 80 Demo | Tmanwu 80 Ranger | Tmanpope 80 PoM | Tmanpointy 80 Sin | Tmanbarb 80 Barb | Tmanfire 80 HoX | Tmannecro 80 Necro | Tmanblade 80 Conq | Tmanlite 80 Guard | Tmantosjr 80 Tos | Tmandemojr 80 Demo | Tmanthethird Saga Guard

  9. #9


    Gratz Prophets !! Sorry for the late response.
    Perception is everything, and yours doesnt matter.

  10. #10


    /sarcasm on

    The guild whos name is not known has had a busy week! Weve downed TA twice and crafted an Ibis. Were looking to start progression into t4 tonight. Oh dear! Its so scawwy x.x

    /sarcasm off

    Seriously, dont know the rules for this x.x lol Should we just repost screenshots? Or can we just post Entity and call it squarsies? Obviously well need to follow up with what our new name is, when we decide (i feel deciding the name will be harder than t4 lololol). I just need to know if i need to start ss / fraps tonight.
    Guild Leader of socialRejects
    Crom: Georgetta (necro) | Georgett (guard) | Getta (dt)
    Fury: Georgena

    Visit Us at:

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