Today is the launch of two new servers with the new PvP server ruleset “Blood and Glory” (server “Rage” for EU and server “Deathwish” for US). These are fresh start servers meaning no transfers to these are possible so every player will start a new character.

The idea for this server type is to provide a more 'old school' PVP environment. We gathered the input from our playerbase to create the rules they wanted to see in this new breed of PvP server. This is a place where your reputation and skill will mean something and surviving will require you to keep your wits about you, and make good friends. It is, in effect, intentionally uncompromising. This is very much a 'live by the sword, die by the sword' type of server.

The most important changes in the new ruleset are the following:

  • This is a fresh start server, no transfers.
  • You are only allowed one character on this server. Your reputation will mean something!
  • There are no guards on this server. Your only protection from other players will be your allies, and your own wits and skills.
  • No Offline levels are useable, all levels must be earned the hard way!
  • The Shrines of Bori feature is disabled on this server, so teams can't allow their friends to progress under their protection as they can on the regular servers.
  • Diminishing returns has been adjusted slightly, allowing for more XP from PVP kills on this server.
  • PVP is opened up again in White Sands isle and the Underhalls so that the PVP experience exists in some of the starting areas as well.
  • NPCs and mobs will drop items but no money. So you will have to earn some coin by doing quests, sell items or looting it off other players.
  • There is an additional limited form of player looting. One random non-No Drop item from your inventory will be left behind as loot when you die to another player.
    • The item must not be flagged as 'no drop'
    • The item must not be flagged as a sales item (bought in the in-game store).
    • The victim must be worth PvP XP to the killer, and the kill takes place in a playfield where PvP XP can be earned.

Read more about the new PvP Ruleset “Blood and Glory” in this article.

Please note: If you already have a character created on the "Blood and Glory" server and try to create an additional one, you will get the error: "Database Error: Please try again later. (18)".

There is only one character allowed to be created per account on the "Blood and Glory" servers so trying again later will result in the same error to be shown.