NEW PLAYFIELD - Tarantia Commons
- Tarantia Commons is now available! This area is recommended for levels 75-80 and it can be accessed in Old Tarantia, just left after crossing the Bridge of Vilerus I, near the gate to the Noble District. Speak to Vialli outside the gate to begin your exploration of this new area with a quest.
- There are also two new dungeons located in Tarantia Commons. "Attilius' Mansion" for solo players and "Crows’ Nest" for groups of 6 players.
Locals and tourists alike have flocked to guild cities, settling, traveling, selling, and generally making a life for themselves. As your city grows, its population becomes more dense and varied. In particular, the following buildings provide special benefits to guild members:
- Your Keep now not only provides a siege supply merchant at Tier I, but a Wagoner to Old Tarantia at Tier II. At Tier III, as before, your guild is permitted to participate in massive PvP battles.
- The Temple (Tier I) provides a spiritual leader who can teach the Path of Comrades, an ability that allows you to return to your guild city in the same way that the Path of Asura returns to you to your bound location.
- The Barracks now supports not only the straw men and patrols of guards but also scattered watchmen throughout the city. These guards increase in level according to the tier of the Barracks (I = level 40, II = level 60, III = level 80) and will defend their guildmates against attacks. At Tier III, the Barracks also supports a Guard Captain, who will transport visitors to the Border Kingdom of their choice for a nominal fee.
- City Gates will now be guarded by four sentries at all times. These sentries level up and behave in the same way as Barracks-spawned guards.
- The Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Architect's Workshop, Alchemist's Workshop, and Thieves' Guild, as before, continue to support a merchant to sell profession-based crafting materials. This merchant is unaffected by building upgrades. The Armorsmith and Weaponsmith also attract guards that level up and behave in the same way as Barracks-spawned guards.
- The Tradepost now not only provides a Trader, but offers the following additional features:
- Tier I: A food and drink merchant, as well as business-savvy whores.
- Tier II: A Potions vendor, one of the new Provisioner vendors who sell crates with bulk consumables, a Tradeskill supplier, and a new local merchant who has a new social pet for sale from the region.
- Tier III: The local merchant expands his or her wares to include two more pets, a wagoner to Conarch Village and a wagoner to Khemi.
- Player City bonuses have also been updated and shuffled around a bit between the buildings.
- The guild search view will now also show guilds which are currently not recruiting.
- Added confirm message box to the Guild GUI when renaming the Guild.
- When a player applies for a guild, he will receive a message in chat if no one who could invite is online.
- Fixed Message of the Day chat tag [Guild MotD].
- Deleted players will now be removed from their guilds.
- All mounts are now abilities. Once learned, these abilities appear under the "Mounts" ability tab, no longer taking up inventory space. These abilities work in the same way as the items did - if unmounted, using a mount ability will mount you upon that mount. If mounted, the ability will dismount you.
- A character mounted on a horse should no longer be able to perform other actions while the horse is rearing.
- You now need the correct riding book trained to be able to use your mount.
- Pressing ESC will no longer disrupt the dismount animation.
- Players are unable to mount while jumping/falling anymore.
- The Base HP for all characters has been increased. The HP gain per Constitution point has also been greatly increased.
- All combos have had their damage and stamina cost re-calculated and adjusted.
- All spells and abilities have had their damage and mana cost re-calculated and adjusted.
- The out of combat regeneration granted by food and drink (for health, mana and stamina) has been increased according to the changes done to those player stats.
- Fixed animations for instant cast spells.
- If a high level player in a team with lower level characters contributes damage to an NPC, he will cap/diminish the XP for the lower level characters, even if he leaves the team.
- If you select a character after he has started to do an action, you will now always see their casting bar.
- Positive magic effects will now continue after being resurrected from a PvP death.
- The distance check for cone spells is now adapted to work the same way as for melee and normal spells.
- Archer NPCs will no longer give up chasing you when line of sight is broken.
- Offhand attacks now deal 50% of normal damage.
- The same buff should now display different timeouts when applied to different targets at different times.
- Defensive stance will now correctly show damage mitigation in the GUI.
- Fixed an issue where AoE spells could in some cases affect enemies through walls.
- The combat-idle animation for male characters having throwing knives/axes equipped should now loop properly.
- Fixed rounding issues on mana/stamina/life magical taps.
- Male characters that are moving while drawing/sheathing throwing weapons should no longer slide.
- Hostile buffs should now remain when starting or finishing apprenticeship.
- Fatalities should no longer be run on players who are currently knocked back. This also fixed various animation issues.
- Buffs and debuffs should now correctly be removed when they time out.
- A few changes have been made to hate-generating abilities and feats. Maintaining hate from a mob will be slightly more difficult than before, but completely possible through correct management of hate-generating abilities and skills.
- Multi-hit combos should no longer cause client/server sync issues when interrupted by fear, charm, or knockback.
- Several issues causing pets to stop attacking have been fixed.
- Pets will do splash damage as it is described in the tooltips.
- Combos which do a given damage per second for their hits, depending on the duration of the hit, will now have their damage shown correctly as "damage per second".
- The armor and protection feats in the general trees have been rebalanced, mostly resulting in smaller values
- Sending commands to your pets should no longer make them stuck during knockback.
- Players who are spellweaving will now be properly affected by knockbacks.
- The general rogue feats Natural Protection and Toughness had their values mixed up, this has now been corrected.
- All silence effects now grant 20 second silence immunity to the target when applied.
- Charge abilities will now go on cooldown when the charge starts instead of when the charge ends.
- Magic and Defense Rating buffs should no longer appear in your spellbook or on your hot bars.
- Solo spellcaster NPCs and some group spellcaster NPCs have had their damage output toned down a bit.
- When your charge is interrupted (by a root or knockback for example) you won't deal damage anymore.
- The speed of UR attacks for 2H Blunt/Edged weapons should now be slightly faster, to be more in line with the other directional attacks for those weapons
- Players should no longer get stuck in spellweaving if they cancel it while casting a spell or having additional spells queued up
- Players should not get stuck or see other players/npcs stuck in knockback anymore.
- Charge abilities will go on cooldown as soon as you start the charge regardless of whether you actually reached the target (for example because you were rooted or knocked back while charging).
- When your charge is interrupted (by a root or knockback for example) you won't deal damage anymore.
- Also when charging, you'll only deal damage if you actually reached the target.
- Many friendly spells were updated so they will no longer attract the attention of guards.
- All items have been adjusted for the new systems!
- All classes now have access to the cloth/silk armor type.
- Nectargold will now restore mana and increase max mana pool instead of stamina.
- Class requirements have been removed from raid tier weapons.
- Level 60-70 bolts should now properly replace the currently equipped bolts when right clicking the items.
- 1H-Weapons should no longer flip the wrong way when being drawn or sheathed.
- Amulet of Lycophos can now also be sold to a vendor.
- Some quest items have new descriptions and inventory icons.
- Stacksizes for potions and consumables have been adjusted. They should now stack to 100 for regular and 5 for blue ones.
- Bear Shaman's 'Boots of Vernant Fury' should now have the correct inventory icon.
- 'Black Dragon Cloak' now has a new unique visual look.
- PVP Dropped resources are now put sorted into the loot bag based on power level and then level/tier.
- PVP Dropped resources will automatically stack in the loot bag.
- Warnings about teammates who are involved in criminal activities will now go to the criminal system channel.
- Removed double XP when killing murderers.
- After a player is killed 5 times, he will no longer give PvP XP to the killer.
- Guards now respond differently to player combat. If you initiated PvP combat and run to the guards for help the guards will correctly attack the aggressor. Guards do not mind if you kill criminals in front of them. All guards have been provided with ranged weapons so they are more effective at defending innocent bystanders. Guards will now mark anyone as a criminal that they engage in combat.
- You will now get a buff telling you that you are an aggressor when attacking another player.
- Guards have increased damage and massively increased hit points.
- AoE spells should now only affect targets which give murderpoints if your current target will also give murderpoints. This applies even if your current target is not within range of the AoE spell. This means targeting a low level player in front of you and casting a ground targeted AoE spell far away will cause low level players far away to be hit because your current target, though unaffected by the spell, would give murderpoints if you were to hit him.
- You can now no longer attack raid members in the border kingdoms.
- Guard placement in all outdoor adventure playfields has been reviewed and adjusted where needed.
- When killed in PvP you now get a second resurrection point to select from, but only if you have more than one resurrection pad in the playfield explored.
- The PvP-shield Skirmisher's Sanctum now provides PvP armor and PvP protection
PvP Minigames
- Totem Torrent: Increased the health of the totems.
- Capture the Skull: It is no longer possible to actively return your skull to your base. Instead, you must defend the skull for 30 seconds before it automatically returns. As before, to capture an enemy skull you must bring it back to your base when your own skull has not been captured.
- Minigames will now give a PvP XP reward at the end of the game. This reward varies between the winning and the losing side, and scales per minigame tier.
- Capture the Skull matches should now end correctly instead of ending with 3 seconds left in the round.
Massive PVP
- Discovering and forgetting resurrection points during a siege should now be more reliable.
- It's no longer possible for an attacking guild to login inside an enemy battlekeep.
- Timed warnings for massive pvp battles are now only sent once.
- Relocated the siege camp at the bottom of the keep in Stonehammer to a more suitable location.
- Relocated a siege camp in Sturmgarde, to allow the battle to spread out some more.
- Players in a massive PvP battle will now see the correct points in the chat log.
- Some holes have been closed in the Burnheim battlekeep.
- The area around the keep in Fort Bane has been adjusted to improve balance during a siege.
- Attackers are no longer able to keep or get siege weapons while in the defenders raid.
- All versions of the keep building should now have proper collision.
- The defenders have constructed additional hidden tunnels in each battlekeep that allow them to get out of their inner courtyard.
- An issue with stacking bonuses related to battlekeeps should be resolved.
- Border Kingdoms, Cimmerian End: The output of the PvP resources nodes has been reduced.