Hey all,
As mentioned a couple weeks ago, today's the day we're closing and archiving these forums. They will still be available for viewing, but new posts may no longer be created. We're in the...
Type: Posts; User: Nusquam or Tilty or Odonoptera or Mussagana or Spynosaur or nophex; Keyword(s):
Hey all,
As mentioned a couple weeks ago, today's the day we're closing and archiving these forums. They will still be available for viewing, but new posts may no longer be created. We're in the...
Die Server sind wieder online!
The servers are back online, now with more Raid Finder on Saga of Zath!
Go forth and conquer, heroes! ⚔
Le 12 février, les serveurs seront hors ligne à partir de 15h00 (Paris)/ 9h00(Quebec) afin de procéder avec avec la mise à jour . Durée de la maintenance estimée 2 heures.
Am 12. Februar um 15:00 Uhr, werden die Server für Update heruntergefahren. (Dauer ca 2 stunden.)
The Raid Finder opens Monday, February 12th after a small patch. The servers will go down at 9:00 AM EST / 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET with an estimated downtime of 2 hours.
We're happy to take suggestions and start copying valuable information over to the new forums as you'd like. It's not all going to happen at once, though. Thanks for the feedback!
Updated for new 900-day tier.
Hello everyone!
As you may have heard from our stream last Friday or other word of mouth, we're opening new official forums for Age of Conan.
Click here to check it out! You can read without...
Updated to sort by %...there's exactly the same number of necromancers as rangers currently, so they're tied. This includes GMs, though, so maybe one would pull ahead if I removed all of those. I...
Was curious to see how people were spending their time on saga, so I pulled up the class distribution this morning. In case anyone else is curious, here's a chart showing the breakdown. :)
Les serveurs sont en ligne.
Die Server sind wieder online!
The servers are back online.
Resolved an issue that caused warriors to be stuck inside Tortage Keep during Awakening III.
Fixed an issue that prevented melee fatalities from receiving the fatality XP bonus.