Edit by Anzu: The proper way to report exploits is pinned in this forum. Again, naming and shaming is not allowed.
Type: Posts; User: ThisPlaceSmells; Keyword(s):
Edit by Anzu: The proper way to report exploits is pinned in this forum. Again, naming and shaming is not allowed.
I guess dude.... #facepalm
With out civility, the human race devolves.
efinition of civility
plural civilities
1 archaic :training in the humanities
2 a :civilized conduct; especially :courtesy, politeness
you obviously don't play on Fury.
It's been a cancer for the last 1.5 years that GM's are ignoring.
Been playing since beta, never seen that bug. i would have to say it is a hack, knowing the person and the guild they are in.
Don't worry, all of the people who are using the hack will come to the...